Saturday, November 19, 2011

Back on the road

Well, I had to buy a new slightly larger fan belt because the nut on the fancy welch plug means the generator has to be further away... 25mm to be precise...  It all works out easier than removing the engine, which suits me.
She is back on the road now, which is great. 
Well, next to the road.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Welch plug installed

Well, it was faster than taking the engine out.  I am pleased I had two sent over.  I stuffed the first one by burring the large nut stamping on the outer part of the plug face.  Hope none of them leak.  Now to put it back together.

New welch plug

There was not enogh room to swing a cat to hammer home the new front welch plug.  I found a nifty US invention for this problem.  You simply use the one with a nut and tighten it up.  Saves removing the engine and is under $10. Found on amazon usa. 
It is called a:

Dorman Expansion Plug.  Part number: 568-010

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Core / Welch / Freeze plug failure

Hmmmm, I should be working, but my van was leaking coolant all over the place.  Inspection revealed failing welch plug, so, out it comes.

I better find a replacment, perhaps I will do them all at the same time...

To remove the old plug I drilled a hole in it then levered it out with a punch. 

Very easy job.  Thanks to the Austin 7 page for the info: